Tuesday, January 18, 2011


1. What’s your full name? Justene Ashley Costelo Jaro

2. Where were you born? I was born in Tacloban, Philippines, on a small island called Leyte. I have yet to meet anyone from there who isn’t related to me.

3. What ethnicity are you? I’m Half Filipina, and my mom’s Boricua, Mestisa!

4. How did you get into modeling? My own personal vanity got me taking pics, but the import car world is what first embraced me with open arms.

5. Not only do you have a gorgeous face, but you also possess a frame that breaks necks. What kind of measurements are you working with? 36C (Sometimes 36D, depending on my weight, LOL)-25-37

6. Drink of choice? Baby, if it contains liquor, I’ll sip it! (Laughs)

7. What’s the best Halloween costume you ever had? When I was 4 my mom dressed me as a devil, and as an adult I’ve turned into one :)

8. Have you ever dated a skateboarder? Yes! I don’t kiss and tell though.

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